The Western genre has been around since the early 1900s, starting with the first western ever made. In 1899, Kidnapping by Indian, and since then there have been hundreds of westerns spawned from it.
Being born during the baby boom era, my dad grew up in a very different America than I did. The people were different. and the media that they consumed. Media, especially cinema, was created for a different America. Most of it was for white males living during that time, a prime example would be the Westerns. The original westerns were made to represent the strong white man, who, according to these pieces, had no immoral qualities.
My dad grow up on these old movies and shows, like The Rifleman, a typical Western show. Most of these, for example, The Rifle Man, had a white man lead, and he always saved the day and never did wrong.
Humans being humans, especially those in America soon grew tired of the genre. It became the same tale, over and over again. In a way the Westerns of back then are like the superhero genre today, popular and a large percentage of people who watch them. However, history may be repeating itself as there are some people who are realizing the same thing that the people of the 50s, 60s, and 70s did with Westerns, the stories and plots seem to be repeating themselves.